A Blog Book, by Victor Grauer

. . . . . for Alan Lomax, who lives . . . . .

I felt that their music came from the back of time, but also, to a certain extent, from my own depths.

Simha Arom

Audio-Visual Examples

All audio and video examples are listed below. To listen to an audio clip or view a video, click on the link.

Chapter One

Audio Example One:Diye. Aka Pygmies (from Musical Anthology of the Aka Pygmies, Ocora Records 560171/72, CD2, Track 9, opening).

 Audio Example Two:Giraffe Dance Version One. !Kung Bushmen (from Healing Dance Music of the Kalahari San, recorded by Richard Katz, Megan Beisele and Marjorie Shostak, Folkways 4316, side 1, track 2)

Audio Example Three:Diye Part Two. Aka Pygmies. (from Musical Anthology of the Aka Pygmies, Ocora Records 560171/72, CD2, Track 9, middle section).

Audio Example Four:Giraffe Dance Version Two. !Kung Bushmen. (from Healing Dance Music of the Kalahari San, recorded by Richard Katz, Megan Beisele and Marjorie Shostak, Folkways 4316, side 1, track 3)

Audio Example Five:Elanda Dance. Aka Pygmies ( from Michelle Kisliuk, Seize the Dance, CD2, track 9)

Audio Example Six: //Kaa. Ju/’hoansi Bushmen (from the CD Mongongo, recorded by John Brearly, track 3).

Audio Example Eight:Giraffe Medicine Song. !Kung Bushmen (from Rouget and Grimaud, Bushman Music and Pygmy Music, Peabody Museum and Musee de l’Homme, side 1, track 3).

Audio Example 10: Nthambi wa Mutwana. Kamba people of Kenya, recorded by Hugh Tracey (from Dance songs of the Kamba people from Machakos district, Kenya, ILAM, track 1).

Chapter Five

Chapter Seven

Audio Example 12:Dorze Maskal Song. Dorze (from Ethiopia:Polyphony of the Dorze, recorded by Bernard Lortat-Jacob.)

Audio Example 13: Mbuti Pipers. Mbuti Pygmies (from On The Edge Of The Ituri Forest, recorded by Hugh Tracey.)

Audio Example 14:Ouldeme Pipes. Ouldeme, Cameroon (from Cameroon:Flutes of the Mandara Mountains, recorded by Nathalie Fernando et Fabrice Marandola).

Audio Example 16: Panpipes of Buma. Solomon Islands (from Saydisc, Spirit of Melanesia).

Chapter Nine

Audio Example 17:Bosavi Yodeling. Kaluli People, New Guinea highlands (from Bosavi: Rainforest Music of Papua New Guinea, cd2, track 1, recorded by Steven Feld).

Audio Example 18: Women's Song. Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands (from the CD set Voices of the World, recorded and edited by Gilles Leothaud, Bernard Lortat-Jacob and Hugo Zemp).

Audio Example 20: Hocket with Voice and Pipe, Huli people, highland New Guinea (recorded by Artur Simon).

Video Example One: Russian Pipers. Plekhovo village, Russia. (Filmed by Olga Velitchkina).

Audio Example 22:Are’are pipers. ‘Are ‘are people, Solomon Islands (from Solomon Islands:The Sound of Bamboo, recorded by Buaoka & Sekine).

Audio Example 23:Cuna Pipes. Cuna Indians, Panama (from Primitive Music of the World, Folkways).

Audio Example 24:Banda Linda Trumpets. Banda Linda, Central African Republic (from Centrafrique: Trompes Banda Linda, recorded by Simha Arom).

Audio Example 25: Tytytitit. Ragai trumpets, Lithuania.

Chapter Eleven

Audio Example 27: Toka Bihu. Assam (from Bihu, Smithsonian Folkways).

Audio Example 28:LoveSong. Laos (Music of Southeast Asia, Smithsonian Folkways FW 04423, track 207).

Audio Example 29: Chang Poo Ta Ryong. Korea (Folk and Classical Music of Korea, Smithsonian Folkways FW04424, track 1).

Audio Example 30: FemaleVocal. India (Music of the Orient, Smithsonian Folkways 04157, track 305).

Audio Example 32: Uchun Dur. Uzbekistan (The Silk Road: A Musical Caravan, Smithsonian Folkways 40438, track 6).

Audio Example 33: The River Herlen. Mongolia (The Silk Road: A Musical Caravan, Smithsonian Folkways 40438, track 18).

Audio Example 34: Qingge-Love Song. Yi People, Yunnan Province, China (Baishibai:Songs of the minority nationalities of Yunnan, PAN 2038, track 26).

Chapter Twelve

Audio Example 36:Garuli Naduri. Republic of Georgia (from Georgian Voices, the Rustavi Choir).

Audio Example 37:Sutartine-Tureja Liepa. Lithuania (from website compiled by SkirmantÄ— ValiulytÄ— -- http://ausis.gf.vu.lt/eka/songs/sutartines.html).

Audio Example 39:Zavan. Ouldeme People, Cameroon (from Cameroon:Flutes of the Mandara Mountains, recorded by Nathalie Fernando et Fabrice Marandola).

Audio Example 40:Swiss Cattle Herders (from “Voices of the World”, Chant du Monde 3741: disc 1, track 35).

Audio Example 41:Leva-Leva. Algarve, Portugal (from Anthology of Portuguese Music, Smithsonian Folkways 4538, Vol. 2, track 1)

Audio Example 42: Amor Potest. Medieval Motet, concluding section (from Music of the Gothic Era: disc 1, track 8).

Chapter Thirteen

Audio Example 43: Tralallero. Liguria, Italy (from Italian Treasury: Folk Music & Song of Italy, Rounder Records, recorded by Alan Lomax).

Audio Example 44  : Koadrila Batsen Gara. Basque, northern Spain (from The Spanish Recordings: Basque Country, recorded by Alan Lomax, track 6).

Audio Example 45 :Vetar Vee. Bulgaria (from Bulgarian Village and Folk Music, recorded by Ethel Raim and Martin Koenig)

Audio Example 46:Belarus Folksong (from Folk Music of the USSR, Smithsonian Folkways 4535, compiled by Henry Cowell).

Video Example Two: Ttukunak. Xalaparta performance - Basque:

Video Example Three: Traditional Bamboo Orchestra in Mesomagor - Ghana:

Video Example Four: 'Are 'are Stamping Tubes, Solomon Islands (filmed by Hugo Zemp --http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVOUz6hWBHQ ) [no longer available on youtube]

Video Example Five: Toaca. Romania 

Audio Example 47:Lord Lovell. England (from An English Folk Music Anthology, Smithsonian Folkways).

Audio Example 48: Come on Girls to the Spinning House. Hungary (from Folk Music of Hungary, Smithsonian Folkways, collected under the supervision of Bela Bartok).

Audio Example 50: Stornello Baresi. Italy (from Italian Folk Songs and Dances, Smithsonian Folkways).

Video Example Six: Kyrgyz Song:

Chapter Fourteen

Audio Example 53: Healing Song. Abau People, New Guinea (from Songs & Dances from Papua New Guinea, track 5, recorded by John Thornley).

Audio Example 55: Dani. Dani People, New Guinea (from Emap FM – Music from Oceania).

Audio Example 56: Aka esime. Aka Pygmies, central Africa (from Musical Anthology of the Aka Pygmies, recorded by Simha Arom).

Audio Example 59: Traditional Song. Yuendumu Community, Central Australia (from Traditional Aboriginal Music:Sounds from the Bush, Arc Music, track 20).

Video Example Seven -- Children of the Forest. Chenchu People, India. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQSDpRX8bZk&feature=related ) [no longer available]

Video Example Eight: Dance During Initiation Ceremony. Australia. 

(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6hKzvdtIcg&feature=related )

 Chapter Fifteen

Audio Example 61: Pig Hunting Song. Aitape, New Guinea. 

Audio Example 62: Piaroa Horns. Piaroa Indians, Upper Orinoco, Venezuela  (from The Columbia Library of World Music, Venezuela, recorded by Pierre Gaisseau).

Audio Example 65: Sepik Flutes. Sepik Region, New Guinea (from Spirit of Melanesia).

Audio Example 66: The Mayantu. Iawa Indians, upper Amazon Basin, Peru (from Music of the Upper Amazon, Lyrichord LL157, recorded by Bertrand Flornoy).

Audio Example 67: Nubia-Sissimungum. Madang region, northern New Guinea (from Windim Mambu:Sacred Flute Music from New Guinea, vol. 2, track 5, recorded by Ragnar Johnson).

Audio Example 69: Camayura Sacred Flutes. Camayura, Amazon basin, Brazil (from Anthology of Central and South American Indian Music, Smithsonian Folkways 4542).

Audio Example 70: Amabele-o-iye (from On the Edge of the Ituri Forest, recorded by Hugh Tracey, track 16).

Audio Example 71: Ulahi and Eyobo sing at a waterfall. Kaluli People, Bosavi, New Guinea (from Bosavi: Rainforest Music From Papua New Guinea, Smithsonian Folkways, recorded by Steven Feld).

Audio Example 72: The Kaputio. Iawa Indians, Peru (from Music of the Upper Amazon, Lyrichord LL157, recorded by Bertrand Flornoy).

Audio Example 73: Lullabye. ‘Are’are People, Solomon Islands (from The Solomon Islands:Sounds of Bamboo, track 36).

Audio Example 74: Hoarotu Shamans, Warao, Venezuela (recording by Dale Olson, accompanying the book, Music of Many Cultures, Elizabeith May, Ed.).

Audio Example 75: Powow Dance. Salish, N. America (American Indian Dances, Smithsonian Folkways.)

Chapter Sixteen

Video Example Nine: Siamang Gibbon Calls:

 Video Example 10: Siamang Singing:

Audio Example 78:Mikea. Mikea People, Madagascar (From the Ocora CD, Madagascar, Pays Mikea.)

Audio Example 79:Kamchatka. Siberia.

Video Example 11: Eskimo Inuit Throat Singing:

Audio Example 80:Ainu. Hokkaido, Japan.
Audio Example 81:Hupa. Hupa Indians, California (from Lee Productions).

Audio Example 82:Tcoqma. Ju’/hoansi Bushmen (from Namibia:Chants des Bushmen Ju’hoansi, recorded by Emmanuelle Olivier).
Audio Example 83:Ketjak. Bali (from Golden Rain, recorded by David Lewiston).
 Video Example 12:Masai Warrioors. Kenya. 

Chapter Seventeen

Audio Example 85: Kiloloky. Mikea People, Madagascar (from Pays Mikea, Ocora Records).

Chapter Eighteen
Video Example 13:Bonobos Like to Share:
